The following is the 2024-25 postseason timeline for the Adult Division teams to be eligible to participate in their respective national tournament.  

December 7: Team Registration Deadline (team must registered to be eligible for postseason play)  

December 31: Individual Registration / Roster Deadline / Player Transfers – Adult Division 

February 1: Postseason Applications are OPEN 

February 24: Postseason Applications are DUE  

February 26: Invites are sent out   

February 28: Last Day for Bids to be Accepted   

March 16: Last Day Games are Considered for Seeding

March 20:  NWBT Seedings are Announced 


The following is the 2024-25 postseason timeline for the Adult and Junior Division teams to be eligible to participate in their respective national tournament. 

December 7: Team Registration Deadline (team must registered to be eligible for postseason play) 

January 15:Individual Registration / Roster Deadline – Junior Division (Player Transfers can be submitted until January 14) 

February 5: Postseason Applications are OPEN

February 26: Postseason Applications are DUE 

March 3: Complete Conference Tournaments & Last Day Games are Considered for Seeding  

March 5: Invites are sent out  

March 7: Last Day for Bids to be Accepted  

March 16: Last Day Games are Considered for Seeding

March 20: Seedings are Announced