2024 NWBA Annual Assembly - Bylaw Amendments

Bylaw Amendment Proposal Instructions

NWBA Bylaw Amendment proposals should be submitted by emailing the completed NWBA Bylaws Amendment Proposal Form (linked below) to Dug Jones, Governance Committee Chair (Email Dug) and David Shaffer, NWBA CEO (Email David) by Thursday, March 21, 2024 (60 days before Annual Assembly).

Bylaw Amendment Proposals

All Amendment Proposals listed below were passed by NWBA Membership vote during the 2024 Annual Assembly.

Divisional Guidelines Amendment Proposals

The Divisional Guidelines amendment proposal process is different for each Division and is further detailed on the Divisional Annual Meetings tab.

Please note that the Divisional Guidelines amendment proposal process is also different than the NWBA Bylaws Amendment proposal process which is further detailed above.