COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. – The Junior Division Executive Committee has announced the timeline and qualification process for the 2024 NWBA National Championship Series for the Junior Division. The Junior Division portions of the 2024 NWBA National Championship Series will be held Friday, April 5, to Sunday, April 7, in Richmond, VA, and was announced HERE.
See below for the postseason timeline and updated qualification process.
The following is the 2023-24 postseason timeline for the Adult and Junior Division teams to be eligible to participate in their respective national tournament.
December 8: Team Registration Deadline (team must registered to be eligible for postseason play)
January 15: Individual Registration / Roster Deadline – Junior Division (Player Transfers can be submitted until January 14)
February 5: Post Season Applications are OPEN
February 26: Post Season Applications are DUE
March 3: Complete Conference Tournaments & Last Day Games are Considered for Seeding
March 5: Invites are sent out
March 7: Last Day for Bids to be Accepted
March 17: Last Day Games are Considered for Seeding
March 20: Seedings are Announced
The top 16 ranked teams for Varsity level of play in the Junior Division will earn an invite to compete in the National Junior Wheelchair Basketball Tournament (NJWBT). Varsity teams ranked 17th and below may receive an invite to participate in the Junior National Invitational Wheelchair Basketball Tournament (NJIT). The top 16 ranked teams from Prep are initially offered an invitation to participate in the National Prep Wheelchair Basketball Tournament (NPWBT). If a team does not accept its bid for postseason play, invitations will be sent to the next team, in order of ranking, until all Junior Division tournaments are filled.
Per the Junior Division Guidelines, Article V. Section 5.02 to be eligible for a national tournament, a team must be in good standing with the NWBA, and:
1. Play a minimum of TEN (10) games for Varsity and EIGHT (8) games for Prep.
Varsity ONLY: Complete at least 6 of their 10 minimum games against conference opponents.
2. Each Varsity and Prep team must compete in their Conference Championship.
3. All minimum game requirements must be completed at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the national tournament.
The following requirements in Junior Division Guidelines for Article V. National Junior Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, Section 5.02 Eligibility, Qualification:
1) e. All minimum game requirements must be completed at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the National Tournaments. See above timeline March 3, 2024 is deadline to completed game requirements.
i. If invitation acceptance deadlines are prior to the minimum games played to qualify, those games (and dates) must be included on the application for post season play.
2) a. A Conference Championship which precedes the National Tournament by at least four weeks. Conference tournaments must be completed by March 3, 2024; however, by February 28 - see below for automatic bids to be awarded.
Varsity teams may receive an automatic bid and qualify to receive an invite to a national tournament by results from a Conference Championships and/or Regional Qualifying Tournaments. One automatic bid will be provided for Conference Championships. Regional Qualifying Tournaments will receive qualifying bids per the following criteria:
-Five (5) Teams or less = 1 Bid
-Six (6) Teams or more = 2 bids
Only Conference Championships and/or Regional Qualifying Tournaments completed by February 28 will be awarded the automatic bid (provided to Conference Championships; or highest placing team not yet qualified for nationals) awarded to nationals.
Regional and Conference Tournaments will be awarded by divisional leadership and designated on the NWBA Events Calendar and Sanctioned Events List at
If you have any questions regarding the Junior Division timeline and/or postseason requirements, please feel free to contact the Junior Division Executive Committee by viewing their contact information at
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